How to Use Sass Variables in Astro Components

You can use Sass variables in Astro components even though it may not be a best practice.1

Start by including a <style lang="scss"> or <style lang="sass"> element - depending on your preferred syntax - in your Astro component.

<style lang="scss">


Next use the @import rule2 inside of the <style> element to import the Sass file where your variables are stored. You must use the relative path to the file and cannot use an import alias like you could if you were importing a Sass file into the frontmatter of an Astro component.

<style lang="scss">
	@import "../styles/base/_variables.scss";

You are now able to use Sass variables in your components to create scoped styles. The example below includes 2 uses of Sass variable as well as Sass’ nesting capabilities.

<style lang="scss">
	@import "../styles/base/_variables.scss";

	.smallerText {
		@media screen and (min-width: $breakpoint-sm) {
			display: block;
			font-size: 1.25rem;
			font-weight: $fw-normal;
			margin-bottom: 1rem;


  1. The process is not explained in Astro’s documentation.

  2. I am aware that the Sass @import rule is no longer recommended and will eventually be deprecated.

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